Sunday, October 08, 2006


The beginning of the story takes place nowadays, in the capital city of Romania, Bucharest. A renowned cultural public figure discovers that the famous capital work “The History of the Romanian Literature”, written by the most known literary historian and critic, George Calinescu, is now empty. The information within it has been stolen. The news about this spread fast and it is now that we focus on the point of view of our three young protagonists, as they prepare themselves to do something about it. They do not know yet how to recover the stolen information, but they won’t stand there and just do nothing, that is for sure.

After endless discussions, they decide to split: in a strange similitude with the most important myths of the Romanians - Mioriţa (an old Romanian pastoral ballad considered one of the most important pieces of Romanian folklore) ; Mesterul Manole (mythological creation motif in which personal redemption is acquired through self-sacrifice) and Sburătorul (the embodiment of lust, a beautiful but eerie young man with demonic features who visits adolescent girls in their dreams), each one of the three heroes get to reach the regions were these myths were created. However, the temporal convention is abolished in this moment, so each of our heroes meets the famous, centuries-ago-living writers whose creations were among the information stolen from the “The History of the Romanian Literature”. As the story progresses and our heroes are trying to figure out what happened with the unbelievable theft, they find out the most incredible thing: the ones who have stolen the great works of art from the George Calinescu’s “History of the Romanian Literature” are the authors of these works themselves. Being appalled and revolted because of the huge amount of crap literature promoted during the centuries, they have decided to retire their literary masterpieces as soon as possible.

However, the persuasive talent of our heroes seems to score big points: after they overtake a series of tests similar to those ones devised by the myths mentioned before, they finally succeed to sway the great writers to return their masterpieces in the benefit of the generations to come. They even succeed to take the famous writers in the capital city Bucharest, in order to participate at a public debate scheduled to settle everything out with their decision of stealing their own works from George Calinescu’s “History of the Romanian Literature”. The initiative seems to be working: the old, famous writers do accept to give back the stolen literature and they even admit that crap literature promoted during the centuries was no affront on them, it’s something inherent that can be found at other nations as well.


Blogger s i m p s o n said...

Buna Octav,

As putea sa postez si eu cateva desene pe acest site ?

1:11 AM  
Blogger Istoria Literaturii BD said...

Chiar te rugam sa postezi ceva. Luca

2:51 PM  

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